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How are food calories calculated

Calories are generally the first thing that come to mind when we think of eating. But what exactly goes into estimating a food’s caloric value? In this blog article, we will look at how food calories are calculated and how they might be utilized to alter our diets. Read on to discover more about how eating calories may help you reach your objectives, from weight reduction to fueling our bodies for athletic efforts.

How are food calories calculated?

The quantity of food calories in a certain food is calculated by dividing the food’s weight (in grammes) by 9.6. This amount is then multiplied by 100 to calculate food calories.

The Different Types of Calories in Foods

How are food calories calculated

Food has a variety of calories. The most popular variety is referred to as “kilocalories.” Kilocalories are the measurement units for the quantity of energy in food. A kilocalorie equals 1,000 calories.

Calories from fat and calories from protein are two more forms of calories. Fat calories are present in foods such as fatty meats and cheeses. Protein calories come from foods like lean meat, beans, and eggs.

Other forms of calories found in foods include “energy” and “nutrients.” Sugar, starch, and natural gas are all sources of energy. Vitamins and minerals are examples of nutrients.

How do carbohydrates affect calorie counting?

Carbohydrates are one of the most essential components of the diet. They provide the energy that our bodies need to operate. Carbohydrates, in general, give us fast energy and make us feel full after eating.

The kind of carbohydrate we consume may have an impact on how many calories we burn. Sugars and starches are both forms of carbohydrates; however, their impact on calorie counts varies. Sugars are swiftly taken into the circulation and released as energy, while starches are broken down into glucose molecules and released as energy slowly over time.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to how many calories a person should take each day since everyone burns calories differently depending on age, weight, activity level, and other variables. To maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight gain or obesity, strive to get 50 to 70% of your daily calorie requirements from carbohydrates.

What Happens to Calories When We Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods?

How are food calories calculated

The body expends more energy digesting and absorbing nutrient-dense meals than it does processing and digesting simple carbs or sugars. In other words, these meals’ calories are “calorie dense.”

This means that, while the food contains fewer total calories than a snack high in simple carbohydrates or sugars, the calorie density of the nutrient-dense food causes you to burn more calories overall because your body has to work harder to extract as much nourishment as possible from those few calories.

As an example, suppose you consume a 100-calorie piece of fruit. If the same fruit had 10% of your RDI of fibre (6 grammes), those 100 calories would comprise 6 grammes of fibre that your body would digest as well as 100 calories from the fruit itself. This translates into a net calorie count of 102 for the fruit.

If you ate the same piece of fruit without fibre, all 100 calories would be absorbed and used for energy right away. This would cause an instant surge in blood sugar levels, followed by sensations of hunger and sugar cravings.


This article will go through how food calories are calculated. We will also discuss the numerous factors that might influence a food’s calorie count. Finally, we will provide you with some pointers to help you remain on track while eating high-calorie items.

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