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How to calculate macros from calories

When you’re trying to lose weight, your goals are clear: reduce your caloric intake and increase your caloric expenditure. But what happens if the figures don’t add up? In this post, we’ll teach you how to convert calories to macros (the total amount of grammes of protein, carbohydrates, and fat taken in a day) so you can monitor your progress more simply. This information will also assist you in making educated judgments about what meals to consume and when to eat them in order to meet your weight reduction objectives.

What are Macros?

Macros are an excellent tool for tracking your calorie intake and expenditure. They’re also an excellent method to ensure that you’re receiving enough protein, carbs, and fats. The Plate Approach or the Calories in vs. Calories Out method may be used to calculate macros.

Calories In

You must know how much carbohydrates, protein, and fat you consume each day in order to calculate your macros using calories in. This information may be found on the food label or in nutrition facts. Then, to calculate your macros for the day, deduct the amount of calories you burnt that day from your total caloric intake.

Calories Out

To calculate your macros based on calories expended, you must first determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the amount of calories you burn just by existing and remaining motionless. Your BMR is calculated using your weight and height and may be available on websites such as SparkPeople and Once you’ve determined your BMR, multiply it by three to get your daily calorie requirements. Then, to calculate your macros for the day, deduct the amount of calories you burnt that day from your total caloric intake.

How do I calculate my macros?

How to calculate macros from calories

The simplest approach to calculate your macros is to use an internet calculator, such as’s macro calculator. Once you’ve input your information, the calculator will calculate your macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and calories.

It’s vital to remember that different individuals need varying amounts of each macronutrient when calculating macros. For example, someone who is overweight may need more protein than someone who is thinner because their bodies utilise muscular tissue for energy rather than fat. Similarly, someone who is active may need more carbohydrates than someone who is inactive since their stockpiles are depleted quicker. Finally, since they burn more calories each day, persons with strong metabolisms may need more calories than those with low metabolisms.

How do I calculate my macros for weight loss?

Calculating macros for weight reduction might be complicated, but it’s critical to get it right if you want to meet your objectives. To begin, you must understand how many calories are in your diet. This information may be found on the Nutrition Facts label or online. Once you know how many calories are in your meal, divide that amount by four to obtain your macro breakdown.

Here are some common examples of how to calculate macros for weight loss:

If there are 200 calories in a sandwich and it has 2 grams of protein and 3 grams of carbs, the macro breakdown would be: 20% protein, 60% carbs, and 10% fat. 

Another example would be if you ate 100g of chicken breast with 5g of net carbs and 0g of fiber. The macro breakdown would be: 22% protein, 42% carbs, and 36% fat. 

Macros play an important role when it comes to weight loss because they determine how much energy your body will burn during workouts and while dieting. Keep these numbers in mind as you start planning your meals and see great results!

How do I calculate my macros for 1800 calories?

How to calculate macros from calories

If you’re looking to maintain your health and weight while dieting, it’s important to calculate your macros using the right numbers. When calculating your macros, take into account:

  • Your weight 
  • Your age 
  • Gender 
  • Activity levels 
  • What you eat on a daily basis. 

How do I find my macros and calories?

There are many methods for calculating macronutrients and calories.

The simplest method is to utilise an online calculator, such as the MyFitnessPal app. Simply input your weight, height, and level of exercise to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is an excellent starting point for calculating your own macros and calories.

If you don’t have access to an online calculator, there are a few alternatives. One method is to determine your BMR using your weight, age, and gender. You may also use the Harris-Benedict equation or another body composition calculation to determine your macronutrients. Finally, multiplying your basal metabolic rate by 170 will give you an estimate of how many calories you burn every day.

Whatever way you pick, keep track of it over time to monitor how your food impacts your body composition and macros. This will assist you in making better eating choices and overall wellness.


Calculating macronutrients is an essential aspect of ensuring that you are consuming enough food to meet your objectives. We described how to calculate macros based on your calorie consumption in this post to assist you in understanding how many calories you need each day. Tracking your macronutrients can assist in ensuring that you are receiving all of the nutrients and vitamins that you need to meet your objectives, whether you are attempting to lose weight or maintain your current body weight.

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