We all want to be active and healthy, and many of us check our steps, heart rate, and even calories expended. But how do fitness trackers like Fitbit determine how many calories you’ve burned? We’ll look at the science behind calorie counting and how Fitbit employs algorithms and data to correctly monitor your energy expenditure in this blog article. We’ll also go over some of the benefits and drawbacks of utilising such gadgets to keep in shape. So, without further ado, let’s get into how Fitbit estimates calories burnt!

How Fitbit calculates calories burned

One of the most often asked questions about fitness trackers is, “How does Fitbit compute calories burned?” The majority of users want to know how accurate the Fitbit is in tracking their calorie burn.

The basic answer is that the Fitbit estimates how many calories you’ve expended based on your specific information and exercise level. But if you want a more in-depth explanation, keep reading!

To begin, the Fitbit determines your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the quantity of calories you burn at rest and is determined by your age, height, weight, and gender. After calculating your BMR, the Fitbit doubles it by your activity factor.

Your activity factor considers your degree of activity throughout the day. If you were sedentary (did little to no exercise) all day, your activity factor would be 1.2. Your Activity Factor would be 1.375 if you were moderately active (mild exercise or sports 3-5 days a week). Your Activity Factor would be 1.55 if you were really active (severe exercise or sports 6-7 days per week).

How to use the Fitbit calorie-burn feature

How does Fitbit calculate calories burned

The Fitbit calorie-burn feature is a great way to track your daily calorie expenditure. Here’s how to use it:

1. Log into your Fitbit account and click on the “Exercise” tab.

2. Select the “Calories Burned” option from the drop-down menu.

3. Enter the amount of time you want to track your calorie burn for (in minutes).

4. Click on the “Start Tracking” button.

5. After the specified time period has elapsed, you’ll see your total calorie burn for that session under the “Calories Burned” heading.

Tips for improving your calorie-burn rate

Assuming you’re using a Fitbit device with heart-rate tracking technology (like the Fitbit Charge 2), your calorie-burn rate is calculated based on your heart rate, age, weight, and sex. Here are some tips for improving your calorie-burn rate:

1. Get your heart rate up: The higher your heart rate, the more calories you’ll burn. So, if you want to burn more calories, aim to get your heart rate up during your workouts.

2. Workout at a higher intensity: In addition to getting your heart rate up, you’ll also burn more calories if you workout at a higher intensity. So, if you’re looking to really boost your calorie burn rate, make sure to include some high-intensity interval training in your workout routine.

3. Lose weight: If you’re carrying around extra weight, you’ll naturally burn more calories than someone who is at their ideal weight. So, if you want to improve your calorie-burn rate, focus on losing any excess weight.

4. Get older: As we age, our metabolism slows down, and we tend to lose muscle mass. However, this doesn’t mean that we can’t still burn plenty of calories. Just be aware that as you age, it may take a bit more effort to keep your calorie-burn rate up.

5. Use a fitness tracker: Wearing a fitness tracker like a Fitbit can help you stay motivated.

How many calories should you burn in a day?

How does Fitbit calculate calories burned

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of calories you burn when at rest, and your degree of physical activity influence the number of calories you burn in a day. Fitbit use the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation to compute your BMR.

The average person’s daily calorie expenditure ranges between 1,200 and 2,000. If you’re attempting to reduce weight, you should aim for the lower end of that range. If you’re attempting to gain weight, you should aim towards the upper end.

It’s ideal to use a fitness tracker like Fitbit to obtain an exact estimate of how many calories you burn in a day. This will give you a more accurate estimate by taking into consideration your BMR and degree of physical activity during the day.


Fitbit is an excellent tool for tracking your calorie intake and expenditure. It precisely calculates the amount of calories you burn each day by combining activity, heart rate, and other personal data. With this knowledge, it is much simpler to modify your diet or workout programme to achieve your objectives. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, develop muscle mass, or just improve your overall health, knowing how Fitbit counts calories burnt will help you get there quicker!